News & Events
Tyhee News
Things You Should Know:
Learning. It is exciting to see our learners making growth toward their grade level standards and individual “Wildly Important Goals.” Our teachers and students monitor learning through learning intentions and success criteria. In ELA, we are seeing growth through the monthly ISIP Reading assessment, as well as classroom writing and reading activities. In math, learners are practicing strategies that strengthen their ability to solve problems and provide opportunities to develop mathematical thinking practices. Report cards will go home on Friday, November 22nd.
7 Habits of Happy Kids. The habit we are focusing on in November and December is: Put First Things First. Habit 3 has students demonstrate that they spend time on things that are
important, say no to things they should not do, set priorities, make schedules, and follow plans. In a nutshell, they work, then play! Of all the habits, this is the most challenging to maintain. Watch for Habit 3 help for families to come home soon!
Attendance. With the season of gratitude upon us, we’re thankful for every day your child is in school, learning and growing. Consistent attendance is crucial as students who miss less than two day each month are more likely to reach their full potential. Encourage your child to be “On Time, In School, Every Day.”
Notifications. If there is an unexpected change to your child’s transportation after school, and they need to receive a message during the school day, please notify the office before 1:45 pm (12:45 on early release Mondays) of any changes so that the message can be delivered in time. Thank you.
Holiday Season. Please watch for individual notices for upcoming events in November and December. Third and second grade, Montessori, and Kindergarten will be putting on their annual programs. We are so excited to have you join us!
Lost & Found. We have so many clothing and other items in our lost and found. Please check it out when you come for a school event. There are a lot of very nice things that need to go home!
Counselor’s Corner
In November, students will be learning the basics of emotion management and problem solving using the 2 nd Step Curriculum. Emotion management skills will include the proactive skills of deep breathing and slow counting. Problem solving skills start with learning how to say a problem in a respectful way, all the way to STEP (Say the Problem, Think of Solutions, Explore the outcomes, and Pick the Best Solution) for upper elementary learners. If you have questions Mrs. Wells can be reached by email or 208-237-0551.
Mark your calendar:
- Every Monday is early release at 1:10 pm
- 11/8 Picture retakes
- 11/14-15 No school for Record Day & teacher collaboration day.
- 11/22 Report cards go home
- 11/25 - 11/29 No school. Holiday break
- 12/5 Cookies & Claus STEM night. 5-7 p.m. We will be doing so many cool coding activities for all levels this year!
- 12/23-1/3 Winter Break
PTO News:
Please join the next meeting on Thursday, November 21st at 2:15 at Tyhee. Your input is valuable!
Eagle Express
Things You Should Know:
Learning. Please watch for an invitation from your child’s teacher to attend Parent Teacher Conferences. Students whose parents stay involved in school have better attendance and behavior, get better grades, demonstrate better social skills and adapt better to school. Your involvement sets your child(ren) up to develop a lifelong love of learning, which researchers say is key to long-term success!
7 Habits of Happy Kids. We are on our Leader in Me journey! We are becoming a school where everyone can be a leader, students can lead their own learning, and we practice the 7 Habits of Happy Kids. So far we have been working on BEING PROACTIVE and BEGINNING WITH THE END IN MIND. Students are working on demonstrating that they can plan ahead, set goals, look for ways to be a good citizen, and are an important part of their classroom and school. Learners are encouraged to practice the 7 Habits every day in school and out. We will be sending a monthly “Habit help for Families” via Infinite Campus each month to educate and involve families.
Attendance. Regular attendance is the foundation for great learning. As we settle into fall and the cold/flu season, it’s the perfect time to reinforce great attendance habits. Make sure your child is “On Time, In School, Every Day” by preparing for potential illnesses. Keep your child healthy by encouraging proper handwashing and a balanced diet. If they do get sick, visit the Every Day Matters website for guidance on when to keep them home when it’s okay to send them back to school.
Pay off with the Principal. Each trimester, Tyhee learners can earn the opportunity to attend a celebration with the principal. This year each grade level will set a goal and choose what celebration they want to work for. Each celebration will take place during the school day at Tyhee. Please contact Mrs. Prestwich if you have any questions.
Halloween Theme. Watch for information about this year’s theme. Students will be voting on it soon. Whatever the theme is, please be sure all attire is appropriate for school. We don’t allow masks, toy weapons, fake blood, or gore. Thank you.
Safety. To keep our learners safe, parents/guardians are only allowed on the playground or in the building during school hours by checking into the office and showing a valid photo ID. Thank you. In addition, children are outside during recess for up to twenty minutes. Please have your child come to school in clothing appropriate for the Idaho weather conditions.
Counselor’s Corner
This month your child will continue to learn about growth mindset. Then we will begin the 2nd Step Unit on Problem Solving, which helps students learn prosocial ways to handle interpersonal conflict. If you have questions or want more information on these topics, Mrs. Wells can be reached by email or 208-237-0551.
Mark your calendar:
Every Monday is early release at 1:10 pm
10/1 Pocatello Indian Education Mtg 6:00-7:00 p.m.
10/3-4 No School – P/T conferences
10/21-25 Red Ribbon Week10/31 Halloween or Fall activities
11/5 No School Election Day & Teacher Professional Development
PTO News:
Thank you for supporting our Color Run fundraiser! Second grade won the ice cream party for raising the most money! We appreciate such great support. The next PTO meeting will be November 21st.
We crowned our new Miss Chief Tyhee Princess, Sophia Ponzo, today and held our annual Pow Wow. 1st through 3rd place attendants are Taleah Coby, Kalenna Edmo, and Marley Kindness. Congratulations girls! We’re very proud of you. Thanks Chloe Thomas for representing Tyhee for last year!
Please join us in congratulating Simplot Inspirational Teacher of the Year finalist, Haley Luce. Ms. Luce teaches 5th grade at Tyhee Elementary School.
This year, the Simplot Education Council received 2,377 nominations for 398 teachers in Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25. Finalists will be featured daily through Thursday, May 9, 2024. Three Simplot Inspirational Teacher Awards will be announced on Friday, May 10, 2024 – one for a teacher at the elementary, middle and high school levels. In addition, 5 finalists have been selected for each category and each will be awarded a $100 check. The Simplot Inspirational Teacher Award Recipients of 2024 will each be presented a $500 check on behalf of the Council.
“I am nominating Ms. Luce because she inspired me to be the best I can be. She deserves this prize, she is such a positive and amazing teacher.” Alexis
“Ms. Luce was a fun, kind, and good teacher, she was my 5th grade teacher and I will never forget her. She taught my class in a way that made it so I understood really well. She made me go out of my comfort zone which made it so I was a better student.” Brielle C.
“Ms. Luce was my 5th grade teacher at Tyhee and I found her inspirational and she was my favorite teacher because of her kindness to me. She inspired me to always be nice to people and to those who struggle. I struggled more than other kids and I didn’t understand simple concepts, Ms. Luce would sit down with me and walk me through it even if she had to explain it to me over and over again, she remained patient.” Katherine D.